Friday, July 29, 2016

The Seven Steps of Witticists Anonymous

Our stories disclose how we have taken advantage of Wit Privilege and what we did to become more sensitive and fair to witless people. If you want to do likewise, then you are ready to take certain steps.
We thought we could find a funnier and more enjoyable way. Alas, we could not. Remember that we’re dealing with wit and witlessness! Half-witted measures didn’t help. Here are the steps we took to reduce the laughter:
  1. Admitted that we were addicted to our own laughter and the laughter of other people. We also admitted that we have been the beneficiaries of wit privilege, and that it gave us unfair advantages over people who aren’t funny.
  2. Came to understand that witless people are human beings who have the same rights and freedoms as witty people.
  3. Made a decision to stop using wit privilege to our own advantage.
  4. Made a list of all people we had laughed at or otherwise harmed through wit privilege.
  5. Made direct amends to the witless wherever and whenever possible.
  6. Attempted to control our wits and educate others about the detrimental effects wit privilege has on society.
  7. Promptly admitted it whenever we slipped back into cracking jokes or taking advantage of wit privilege.

#witprivilege #witsupremacist

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