Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Instead of a wall on the border, how about a white picket fence?
There’s lots of concern over the U.S. border with Mexico. Many many people cross the border and enter our country from the south everyday. Do we know who they are? No. Do we know why they’re here? They may be up to no good. Some of them may be terrorists.
According to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, “The good in this world far outweighs the evil. Our common humanity transcends our differences, and our most effective response to terror is compassion, it’s unity and it’s love.” It’s so important to remember that as people enter our country illegally.
With the wisdom of Attorney General Lynch in mind, we need to send a clear signal to people who cross the border. Donald Trump has suggested building a wall to stop them. That's not a very friendly solution. We really just need these people to know that they are loved and that there is a better life for them here.
If elected to Congress, I will sponsor legislation to fund the building of a fence on the border with Mexico. Not a wall. A fence. And not a chain link fence with barbed wire at the top either. It will be a white picket fence – the type that was a symbol of nice neighborhoods in the not-so-distant past.
When people from Mexico and points south enter the country, they will see the fence and realize that they’re entering the promised land.

Joke of the Week
Hillary Clinton said that a key part of her plan to get people back to work with good jobs is retraining displaced workers. Can I get retrained to work in cyber-security? There seems to be a demand for that sort of thing. 

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